Until this weekend.

The Wendy’s sign read: “New Coffee Toffee Frosty”.
What? Unbelievable.
Now I am not a fast food addict or even frequenter anymore since the twenty pound weight loss of 2007-08. But if I am to eat some fast food, that fast food will be super fast and super Wendy’s. I love me some nuggets and have always loved me some Frosty. For years and years, Adam and I debated the Frosty. In the early 2000s (maybe the year 2000 itself), Adam claimed it to be ridiculous to call the Frosty a “chocolate Frosty” as I did often. I claimed that there were different flavors. Unfortunately if we take Wikipedia as a credible source – and why wouldn’t we? – then Adam is correct. The vanilla frosty was introduced in 2006.
Now they have Mix N’ Match Frosty and the brand new “Coffee Toffee Frosty”.

Similar to the fiasco that is Brandon Morrow, the “Coffee Toffee Frosty” severely disappointed. Essentially I was drinking milk with chunks of something in it. I might as well suckle a cow. And Morrow might as well go to Tacoma because all he does in a Mariner uniform is make excuses. So my hope is that Morrow will take the time and the organization will give him the time to become a legit major league starter. To Morrow’s credit, he stated that he doesn’t mind if he spends the rest of the season in AAA if it means really refining all his pitches.
If only Wendy’s would take the same approach. Then maybe I could enjoy the “Coffee Toffee Frosty” and not be disappointed. Dave Thomas, you disappoint me. Brandon Morrow, I still have hope for you.
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