1. to dislike intensely or passionately; feel extreme aversion for or extreme hostility toward; detest
Wow, that seems about right. I am pretty passionate about my hostility and extreme aversion toward his whole existence. The Mariners gave him six starts in which he went 0-6 with 14.32 ERA. Are you serious?
Six starts, six losses. Six days in which I want to eat my own arm. Actually the first couple starts I watched, but due to other conflicts and no TV coverage, I haven't seen him pitch since the Royals game. And why would I? It is the closest thing to a guaranteed loss.
The biggest issue is that the Mariners are not that bad at 15-15, only 1.5 games out of first. Now imagine if someone else was in his spot, they would have won at least one of the games, probably two. They would be 17-13 and in first place. They are 15-9 without Weaver.
So I hate him. I hate him so much. And it is at a new level. You see, every year I pick one Mariner that I will hate for the entire year. It started out because I usually just didn't want one guy to play mostly due to his sucky nature. I went through Raul Ibanez (the first time in Seattle), Ruben Sierra, Joel Pineiro, and now Jeff Weaver. Even with the expected announcement that he will be in the bullpen or cut, I will still hate him. I will not hate another Mariner this year. I will hate him for the whole year whether he is here or not.
Do you know that ESPN projects his season to end with this stat line?

0-25, 14.32 ERA, 91 innings pitched, 208 hits, 145 runs
He doesn't even qualify for the ERA title because you have to pitch one inning for every game that your team played thus far. With the Mariners, he would have to throw 30 innings which is five innings per start. He has thrown 22 1/3 innings. That is disgusting. In fact, he has never had a lead all year.
@ Boston - 4 runs in the 1st, 3 in the 2nd
Minnesota - 2 in the 1st
@ Angels - 2 in 2nd, 1 in 3rd
KC - 6 in 1/3 of an inning
@ NY - 1 in 3rd
@ Detroit - 3 in the 1st, 1 in 2nd
Lefties hit .462 off him. Righties hit. 471. When he is behind in the count 2-0, hitters rack up a .875 average against him. Ahead 0-2? .429 off Weaver. No runners on? .467 average. Scoring position? .439. Scoring position with two outs? .400. Pitches 1-15 in the game? .571. Pitches 46-60? .357.
He is the worst Mariner ever. I literally will go insane if he starts another game. I can't stand it anymore. Nothing good comes from him except something we discovered last weekend. While on the ferry in Canada, we noticed that Jeff Weaver had sucked again. And Katie, Chris, Dana and I weren't too happy. Katie said, "Jeff Weaver, you ruin my world." Then we came up with an idea.
Anytime something bad happens, blame Jeff Weaver. The pipe that broke underneath the University Bridge recently. Jeff Weaver was aiming for the bridge and hit a pipe instead. Stupid Jeff Weaver. You get a ticket. Weaver made you speed. You get a cavity. Weaver fed you donuts. Everything is Jeff Weaver's fault. Feel free to use it in your every day life and pray, oh please let's all pray, that he doesn't make another start.
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