Anyway, the website is promoting Nick's Picks. This is a 24 game package for $216. The games he chose are absolute crap.

10 have postgame fireworks
1 is the last game of the year
He only picked one game with $1 beers. Come on Nick. Shouldn't all the $1 beer days be included?
Side note: why have I not attended $1 beer night?
Ah yes because it is in Tacoma. And if beers are $1, I probably will have like 9. Then I would have to sleep in the parking lot.
Two of the other games he picked feature ZOOperstars. Huh? What is that?
Oh I did some research.
Apparently these are inflatable mascot type dudes with names like Shaquille O'Seal, Tiger Woodchuck, and Mario Lemule. And then there is my favorite...
Mackarel Jordan.
Needless to say I am a little disappointed in Nick Lachey.
Just started reading.
% of population that knew Nick Lachey owned the Tacoma Rainiers = 0.00001%
Couldn't they have just kept it Tiger Woods? The mascot would be a Tiger.
Maybe that's copyright infringement or violates trade patent laws or the accords from the last Geneva Convention.
I don't know.
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