Granted this was a slight exaggeration as I (a) do not eat McDonald's everyday (b) can run a little and (c) have some athletic ability. I also had no idea how horrible some of the players in our league would be, thus the comparison actually brought me confidence and the will to live. With a 5-2 record heading into last night, we needed a win to feel good again. We also need

Knowing we had a 9:30 start time, I needed to get prepared. I jumped rope at practice for Prep and did some shooting (making quite a few), as I fully ignored my actual duties as a coach. Once I arrived home around 6:00, I knew I still had plenty of time. After two bowls of Organic Raisin Bran, I felt the need to rest. So I took a nap until 8:30. Feeling refreshed and alive, I set off to the gym at a time when I normally feel like sleeping for the night.
My shot still felt good in warm ups as we prepared for a late night battle. I started at point guard again as we only had six guys. Which if you remember correctly is one more than last week during the grueling, horrific double header.
Early on it was obvious this would be a tough one as the opponents came to play. With some solid guards and decent post players, as well as actual physical fitness and athleticism, this would be a nice match up for us. The spread seemed accurate listing us as a two point favorite.
With the other team in a zone, I had plenty of opportunities early to fire up threes. And I did so, only I didn't make any. I decided to make up for it on defense as I dove for a loose ball early, piling on top of some dude. Getting an early floor burn always fires up the squad. (By the way, I actually got floor burns which kind of hurts). We trail by 5-8 points for most of the first half as they get some easy buckets in transition. This is due mostly to their point guard who resembles a white Brian Jones from the Santa Clara days. Not in appearance, but definitely in demeanor. He also made me feel stupid the sixth or seventh time down the court. Early he would just stand there and pass over the defense. Seemed easy enough. Only this time he dribble

Akon, our short somewhat retarded guard, looked more winded than usual. My guess involves some sort of alcholic debauchery the night before. I knew I needed to step it up. Fortunately I could do this due to either becoming more fit now in the eighth week or the nice nappy before the game. I hit a dribble pull up to get me on the board. We start to creep back in it.
My next basket surprised me the most. As Tim catches the ball on the low block, he gets doubled and I cut to the opposite side. He actually passes it to me and I go up for a lay in with a guy right next to me. Usually one of three things happens:
1. I get blocked with the ball usually then hitting me on the back or head and going out of bounds.
2. I miss out of fear of scenario #1.
3. I feel like I get fouled but because I look like such a woman when I do it, no ref gives me a call.
This time I made the lay in and it looked nice. It was weird.
With the three still not falling, I still felt confident. Which is also weird. I am such a self-depricating, low self-esteem basketball player that it actually makes me worse. Out of all the sports in the world, I think basketball and shooting in particular requires the most confidence. Today I had it despite my misses. I just felt good.
I boxed people out. I grabbed loose balls and then avoided defenders with swift around the back moves. I limited my turnovers. I actually thought while I still had zero points that I might be playing my best game. And I credit the nap and/or improved fitness. This must be what it feels like to have some sort of cardio fitness.
As the game continues, my game becomes ridiculously good. I hit a mid range jumper (deciding to show myself what I can do, rather than shoot threees and show everyone that I suck) and we are in the lead at this point. The game remains close as I push the ball up the court on the break. White Brian Jones (WBJ) and another defender stand in the way as we have a three on two. With Matt Airy to my right, everyone knows where I am passing the ball including WBJ. Only tonight is the night of confidence so as WBJ sprints to pick off the pass, I keep going and score a little runner in the lane. It is on brotha!
With a one point lead and two minutes remaining, I catch the ball from 15 feet. No hesitation, just water. I feel like Vincent Askew in his prime.
As the game continues, we hold onto our lead but it is tenious. Airy and Tim miss numerous free throws as our opponents attempt to prolong the game. Fortunately for us we have two things going in our favor.
1. They miss shots.
2. Me.
With WBJ barreling down the court and only myself back on d, we need a stop. Preparing to take a charge, he makes a smart decision and pulls up for a short jumper. Due to my intimidating presence and long reach, he misses. We still hold the lead.
Leading by one with only precious seconds remaining, our main man Harry gets fouled in the double bonus. (Side note: since I last called Harry our worst player, he has somewhat dominated. Hitting threes, finishing shots, rebounding, and making free throws. He definitely passed Akon and sometimes passes me in skill level). Swish and swish. Three point lead. Mock! Yeah! Ing! Yeah! Bird! Yeah!
With a foul to give, Airy hacks WBJ as he dribbles to half court. He already told his team to shoot if they get fouled, so he throws a pass as Airy nails him. WBJ starts yelling, "I was shooting!" The refs don't buy it and we all want to staple his face to bologna and put it in a piranha tank. They get the ball in and chuck up a prayer. I find someone to box out and do it oh so well. Airy grabs the board and we win by three, covering the spread and feeling joyous in the process.
With my confidence comes results. 10 points, 5 rebounds, 5 assists, 1 steal. Not the best overall line, but the impact I made was monumental.
Current averages: 4.8 points, 4.6 rebounds, 6.8 assists, 2.5 steals. Not bad when your original goal is to stay alive.
As Airy and I left the gym and walked down to the lobby, we heard some strange laser sounds. It turned out to be a weird hippie guy and a chubby girl playing catch with a softball. As we approached, the chubby girl wound up and hurled the ball....straight into the ground. And you thought my confidence was high during the game.
1 comment:
Wow - Brian. Seriously, if you were in shape you could rain threes down on people's heads. Shooting is all about the legs buddy.
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