With this historic occurance only one month and twenty-four days away, it is time to look at the scouting reports on the potential players.
Player Name: Adam Nakatani Street
Position: SD
Height: 6'3"
Bats: Right
Throws: Worse
Position: SD
Height: 6'3"
Bats: Right
Throws: Worse
Physical Description: Big, right-hander with upper cut swing.
Fastball: Straight and easy to hit
FB Movement: Sometimes can't hit the lawn chair, making him frustrated.
Slider: Has no idea how to throw one.
Slider: Has no idea how to throw one.
Changeup: Lob pitch when trying to get a strike.
Control: Inconsistent. When missing, likes to pitch to contact meaning lots of runs.
Poise: Usually more worried about the barbecue and/or Nike stuff, so remains fairly poised during wiffleball. Can get frustrated by lack of being good.
Contact: Not a worry to him.
Power: When he connects, the ball flies. Definitely swings for the fences.
Overall: Hit or miss. Very Sosa-esque. White Michael Jackson spot can be distracting to pitchers.
Medical Update: Can beat me up.
Strengths: Power swing, indifference toward the game
Weaknesses: Pitching, strikes out, giant toes
Summary: Good overall player who hits homers in bunches. Also has a nice car and sweet house, making him more valuable than usual.
Player Name: David John Dunch
Position: Frustrated by Ravi
Height: 5'11"
Height: 5'11"
Bats: Right
Throws: Right
Physical Description: Apparently Italian although I swear Latino
Fastball: Better pace when he gets pissed off
Fastball: Better pace when he gets pissed off
FB Movement: Good movement low and outside when hitting his spots.
Curve: Nice offspeed change of pace. Can get raked when he hangs it.
Slider: Good break, likes to toy with different grips.
Changeup: Takes pride in the circle change despite its ineffectivenes to awesome players like me.
Control: Good usually. Once he starts walking people, he throws meat balls down the middle.
Control: Good usually. Once he starts walking people, he throws meat balls down the middle.
Poise: Good in innings 1-3. Starts to get frustrated by walks and/or strikeouts and/or singles. If he walks people and doesn't hit homers, he will get visibly perturbed in innings 4-6. By inning 8, Ravi will have broken him down due to dancing, one-handed swinging, walks, and Ravi-type theatrics soon to be determined.
Contact: Good contact hitter, will foul off pitches.
Power: Better in college, losing some of the power ala Raul Ibanez. Good when he doesn't try.
Overall: Over the course of 7-8 years, the most consistent hitter of the group.
Medical Update: Can also beat me up, but really worries about sun taning during games.
Strengths: Fielding, contact swing, length of shorts
Weaknesses: Ravi
Summary: An early pick, good overall skills. If Ravi wasn't involved would consistently be a MVP candidate.
Strengths: Fielding, contact swing, length of shorts
Weaknesses: Ravi
Summary: An early pick, good overall skills. If Ravi wasn't involved would consistently be a MVP candidate.
Player Name: Ravi Sankaran
Height: 5'9"
Bats: Terribly
Throws: Surprisingly Worse
Physical Description: Uh, Indian Chris Farley. Enough said.
Fastball: Not fast, easy to hit. Probably a palmball is more correct. If not careful, will hit you in the face or back with some speed though.
Fastball: Not fast, easy to hit. Probably a palmball is more correct. If not careful, will hit you in the face or back with some speed though.
FB Movement: None
Slider: Doesn't think it exists.
Changeup: Even slower (amazingly) and tails off before reaching the plate.
Control: None.
Changeup: Even slower (amazingly) and tails off before reaching the plate.
Control: None.
Poise: No issue here. Probably the most poised terrible pitcher I have ever seen. Enjoys wiffleball despite a career ERA approaching 34.00.
Contact: Much better with one hand.
Power: Suprisingly. He will absolutely mash the ball out of no where at times. Cannot be predicted.
Overall: Good hitter. He will not swing at your pitches, you must give him something he likes. Very streaky. Can hit with pop.
Medical Update: Giver.
Strengths: Mind control.
Weaknesses: The actual game.
Power: Suprisingly. He will absolutely mash the ball out of no where at times. Cannot be predicted.
Overall: Good hitter. He will not swing at your pitches, you must give him something he likes. Very streaky. Can hit with pop.
Medical Update: Giver.
Strengths: Mind control.
Weaknesses: The actual game.
Summary: A glue guy. Cannot be stopped once he gets in your head. Must remain calm when opposing him or playing with him.
Player Name: Drew MacGuire Milam
Position: Whiner
Height: 6'3"
Bats: Right
Throws: Lobs
Physical Description: Big, right-hander with no velocity.
Fastball: Doesn't believe in it.
Slider: Nope.
Fastball: Doesn't believe in it.
Slider: Nope.
Curve: Nope.
Changeup: Yes, very slow and lobbed to the plate.
Control: No worries. Read changeup line again.
Poise: Starts out fine, but gets pretty pissed off after double digit inning.
Contact: All or nothing.
Power: When he connects, the ball dies in the outfield.
Overall: Usually upset at everyone, thus swings at pitches in the dirt or at his eyes.
Medical Update: Bigger than me.
Medical Update: Bigger than me.
Strengths: Intramural sports such as football and bowling
Weaknesses: Wiffleball
Summary: Probably will not play after reading this.
Weaknesses: Wiffleball
Summary: Probably will not play after reading this.
Player Name: Joe P. Tone
Position: Left Out
Height: 4'3"
Bats: Right
Throws: Angry
Physical Description: Midget.
Physical Description: Midget.
Fastball: Throws as hard as he can, as if angry at the world for calling him short and insignificant.
Fastball: Throws as hard as he can, as if angry at the world for calling him short and insignificant.
FB Movement: Hard to see since he usually throws from two feet closer than anyone else.
Slider: Throws some nasty stuff when mad.
Changeup: Doesn't like it.
Control: Inconsistent. When missing, throws harder. Sometimes it is better to just take.
Poise: Awful. Ravi can completely take him out of the game. Also, college days were scarred by a woman wearing Winnie the Pooh overalls. No one knows how that effects him now.
Changeup: Doesn't like it.
Control: Inconsistent. When missing, throws harder. Sometimes it is better to just take.
Poise: Awful. Ravi can completely take him out of the game. Also, college days were scarred by a woman wearing Winnie the Pooh overalls. No one knows how that effects him now.
Contact: Doesn't care.
Power: All he cares about. Hitting the ball as far as possible as if to prove he actually is above five feet tall.
Overall: Good hitter, but has been out of the game for years.
Medical Update: Can't beat me up, but would try.
Strengths: Anger toward everyone. Throwing hard.
Medical Update: Can't beat me up, but would try.
Strengths: Anger toward everyone. Throwing hard.
Weaknesses: Ravi again, height
Summary: Good overall player who plays angry thus ruining the game for everyone involved.
Summary: Good overall player who plays angry thus ruining the game for everyone involved.
Player Name: Dick Michael Rasay
Position: Complaining
Height: 6'1"
Bats: Both
Throws: Both
Physical Description: Unbelievably fit Hawaiian with red mark on cheek
Fastball: Easy and slow
Fastball: Easy and slow
FB Movement: Better left handed tailing into righties
Slider: Wouldn't know about that.
Changeup: When arms starts to hurt (or so he says), ball gets slower and even easier to hit
Changeup: When arms starts to hurt (or so he says), ball gets slower and even easier to hit
Control: Inconsistent. When missing, likes to complain about arm pain.
Poise: Usually ok with own limitations, but loses all poise once fake arm injury occurs.
Poise: Usually ok with own limitations, but loses all poise once fake arm injury occurs.
Contact: Head flies, lots of whiffs.
Power: When he connects, the ball flies. Nice uppercut.
Power: When he connects, the ball flies. Nice uppercut.
Overall: No Benny Agbayani.
Medical Update: Can beat me up, but wouldn't as he loves me too much.
Strengths: Athleticism, love of Gatorade thus staying hydrated
Medical Update: Can beat me up, but wouldn't as he loves me too much.
Strengths: Athleticism, love of Gatorade thus staying hydrated
Weaknesses: Even bigger toes, fake arm injuries
Summary: Anyone who fakes arm injuries year after year can't be that good.
Player Name: Brian Michael Elsner
Position: Receiving Apparently
Height: 5'9"
Bats: Right
Throws: Right On Target
Physical Description: Chubby, bald, hairy
Physical Description: Chubby, bald, hairy
Fastball: Deadly accurate, sometimes not enough movement
Fastball: Deadly accurate, sometimes not enough movement
FB Movement: Varies, but can be very straight and taken yard.
Curve: Throws different versions, mostly keeping hitters off balance.
Slider: Best out pitch, painting the corners.
Changeup: Can get hammered or absolutely fool people.
Changeup: Can get hammered or absolutely fool people.
Control: Ridiculously good to a fault.
Poise: Gone once someone scores. Takes pride in ability to pitch in wiffleball games. Feels like he is worth nothing to society once the other team scores off him. College days were riddled with mental issues due evil woman.
Poise: Gone once someone scores. Takes pride in ability to pitch in wiffleball games. Feels like he is worth nothing to society once the other team scores off him. College days were riddled with mental issues due evil woman.
Contact: Ok depending on the year.
Power: Apparently did HGH last year as he cranked homer after homer. Usually not a concern to opponents.
Overall: Can be deadly or awful. Depends on the fragile mental make up of the player each year.
Medical Update: Diarrhea a concern.
Medical Update: Diarrhea a concern.
Strengths: Control pitching
Weaknesses: General mental state, Hawaiian food
Summary: If healthy, very productive. If pooping every five minutes, not so much.
Can we run lines and props on the games?
Seems like people should be able to get in on some of the action. You know, because of the hype and interest out there for the BWI '07 (Brewfest WhiffleBall Invitational 2007).
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