Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Who's Watching?

Is anyone actually watching the NBA finals?

I am a basketball coach, fan of the NBA, and a labeled "sports computer" by my girlfriend and I simply do not want to watch.

I tried a little bit last night, but the score was 51-50 with one minute left in the third quarter. Wow.

Apparently I am not alone. Game 1 drew 8.18 million viewers. In comparison, "Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?" drew 9.14 million viewers and "So You Think You Can Dance?" drew 10.86 million.

Game 2 did even worse, drawing only 7.69 million viewers. Most were likely watching "The Sopranos" like I did. (Fade to black followed by yelling and throwing things). "60 Minutes" dominated the Finals as did last year's match up between Dallas and Miami (12.41 million viewers).

Game 3 which bored everyone, even when it was close at the end, drew 8.00 million viewers only to be beat by "Law and Order: SVU" repeat at 8.82 million. Of course, everyone watched "America's Got Talent".

So why would you watch?


Not enough for me. I think he could score 187 points in Game 4 and I still wouldn't watch.


Captain Hilts - The Cooler King said...

I don't believe you. When we lived together, you would watch any basketball game on TV, no matter how bad or how trivial. I call bullshit.

Captain Hilts - The Cooler King said...


I want a Sonics NBA draft eval from you, both before (including the second round) and after. Do it now!

Anonymous said...

You're a great writer. Have you ever considered a career in journalism?